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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Business beyond buildings

Cloud computing frees you from common IT administrative tasks, but what can your business do with cloud computing technologies? Depending on any restrictions imposed by corporate governance and your organization’s internal (operational) controls, here are some examples to consider: access your data and applications from any internet connection, regardless of the device you are using,so you can work from home or on the move in exactly the same way as you would in your office;avoid storing confidential business data on laptops,PCs and other devices that could be stolen; share documents and collaborate more easily on documents and projects with colleagues, partners and customers; add pre-integrated third-party applications from within your cloud or connect to applications or datasources in other clouds (LinkedIn or Facebook for example) using standard web service protocols; use visual web-based development tools to quickly create new web applications and document
workflows that make more of your business data and speed up processes; run highly intensive data processing tasks on  any number of duplicate virtual servers and then
delete the server instances when you have your results.

photo credit: Stuck in Customs via photopin cc

Dr Mark I Williams
moving your business into the cloud

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